Video: Upcoming Opportunities to Resist LNG
Video from a recent Bark-About hike to the proposed Palomar Pipeline crossing of the Wild and Scenic Clackamas River.
The hike was led by volunteer Bark hike leader, Martin Evans, and Dan Serres of Columbia Riverkeeper.
Speakers detail upcoming events where people can voice their opposition to the Palomar Pipeline and the two LNG terminals (Bradwood Landing and Oregon LNG) proposed for the Columbia River.
For details on the Earth Day rally and NW Natural shareholder rally, please visit Bark's event calendar at
To learn more about NW Natural's role in the Palomar Pipeline visit
Speakers detail upcoming events where people can voice their opposition to the Palomar Pipeline and the two LNG terminals (Bradwood Landing and Oregon LNG) proposed for the Columbia River.
For details on the Earth Day rally and NW Natural shareholder rally, please visit Bark's event calendar at
To learn more about NW Natural's role in the Palomar Pipeline visit