- Sandy River uncovers a forest buried by Mount Hood in 1781
Erosion by the Sandy River this winter has unearthed a forest buried after a 1781 Mount Hood eruption.
More... - Bark Alert: Bark is hiring and introducing Zombie Jazz
April 2013 Bark Alert
More... - Forest Service News Release:
Forest Service Helps Restore Fish to Oregon Stream
More... - The Oregonian: Logging and fire suppression follow the same path for forest management: Guest opinion
Despite the much-touted "consensus" for more logging, some grass-roots ecological groups are still trying to stop the most ecologically destructive timber sales -- including misguided fuel-reduction projects -- using the legal process.
More... - Bark Alert: Flash Mob against Nestlé Friday
February 2013 Bark Email Alert
More... - Seattle Times: Bark beetle isn’t wildfire culprit, scientists say
A new study finds that climate change is the culprit in catastrophic wildfires.
More... - Protecting Freshwater Resources on Mt. Hood National Forest: Recommendations for Policy Change
The purpose of this white paper is to provide recommendations for the next revision of the Mt. Hood National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) to ensure protection and retention of the Forest’s water resources, including municipal supplies and riparian and aquatic species habitat.
More... - Bark Alert: Make forest defense your New Year's resolution
January 2013 Bark Email Alert
More... - Bark needs your help in the snow
In search of the rare Sierra Nevada Red Fox, and last chance to donate in 2012.
More... - Our contribution to Mt Hood National Forest
A special message from Bark volunteers
More... - Bark Alert: Bark just got better for volunteers
December 2012 Bark Email Alert
More... - Bark's 2012 Accomplishments
Your Mt. Hood year in review
More... - Controversial Logging Proposal on Federal Land in Oregon Meets Resistance
"We're basically doing the BLM's job for them," said organizer Danielle. She and the other activists who spent up to a week on the land climbing trees and doing ground surveys say agencies in charge of managing public timber lands do not always survey thoroughly enough.
More... - Bark Alert: It's all about you!
November 2012 Bark Alert
More... - Register-Guard Guest Viewpoint: Governor reinforces timber harvest status quo
For every job gained because of log exports, four domestic wood products jobs are lost. This explains why Oregon’s timber harvest has risen 35 percent in three years while overall employment has changed little and wood products employment has actually decreased.
More... - The Oregonian: Conservation leader bolts from Kitzhaber's county payments panel
“Clear-cutting is so 20th Century.”
More... - Logging Debris Matters: Better Soil, Fewer Invasive Plants
New study shows that keeping logging debris in place improved soil fertility, especially in areas with coarse-textured, nutrient-poor soils.
More... - Bark Alert: Shocking News on the Jazz Timber Sale
Bark Alert: October 2012
More... - Seattle Times: High court rejects challenge to roadless rule
"The Supreme Court action validates arguably one of most important public land conservation polices in a generation."
More... - Enviros Fight Industry Lawsuit Over U.S. Forest Planning Rule
“This lawsuit, if successful, could effectively ban conservation biology as a basis to help craft how we manage our national forests. It is a throw-back to when only logging, grazing, and mining mattered.”
More... - Bark sues over privatizing Mt. Hood recreation
Bark joins a nationwide lawsuit to challenge new fees on public lands.
More... - Summit County Voice: Lawsuit challenges Forest Service day-use fees
"This litigation is being undertaken to establish that the National Forests belong to the people, not the federal agencies and their profit-driven recreation industry partners.”
More... - Bark Fire Policy
Read Bark's Fire Policy, background information, and fire science resources list.
More... - Longtime owners sell Lost Lake Resort near Mount Hood
The couple was looking for someone with an interest in the resort's family ties and surrounding community and area.
More... - The Oregonian: Fire Hikes on Mt. Hood
Fire-scarred Mount Hood woodlands offer surprisingly cool hikes
More... - Bark TV- July Bark About Hike
Video from July's Bark-About. Learn about wildflowers and medicinal plants as well as new proposals to open up the Zigzag District for logging for the first time in decades.
More... - Restrictions put in place as fire danger levels rise in national forest
Fire levels for the Clackamas and Zigzag Ranger Districts will change from Low to Moderate.
More... - Zigzag Ranger District Offering Mt. Hood Hikes
The Mt. Hood National Forest is offering a weekly pair of guided hikes during August to learn more about the mountain.
More... - Bark Alert: Sneaky business in public forests
August Bark Alert
More... - Bark Alert: Big Palomar news and a chance to make a splash at Bagby
Bark Alert for July 6th, 2012
More... - Video of Keep Nestle Out of the Gorge Rally
Speech from former Multnomah County Commissioner Barbara Willer at the Keep Nestle Out of the Gorge Rally, on June 26th.
More... - Rare red fox may be living on Mt. Hood
Scientists hope to get hair and saliva samples for DNA tests that could confirm it is a Sierra Nevada red fox, one of the rarest mammals in North America.
More... - Video: How Trees Communicate
Similar to the network of neurons and axons in the human brain, the network of fungi, roots, soil and micro-organisms beneath the larger ‘mother trees’ gives the forest its own consciousness.
More... - Bark Alert: Field trips and summer school
Bark Alert: June 2012
More... - Bark TV: April Bark About to Oxbow Spring
Learn about the campaign to keep Nestle out of the Gorge, with footage from April's hike to the proposed Nestle plant in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, as well as a recent press conference by the Keep Nestle Out of the Gorge Coalition.
More... - Bark Alert: Kitzhaber sides with Nestle and Stephen Colbert sides with Bark
Bark Alert Email May 2012
More... - Bark Challenges Forest Service decision to privatize Bagby Hot Springs and 27 other Mt. Hood recreation sites
The Forest Service’s plan to increase privatization of recreation management in Mt. Hood National Forest has drawn fire from the public, especially concerning increasing fees at campgrounds and creating fees for use of Bagby Hot Springs.
More... - DeFazio’s ‘timber trust’ removes protections
Guest Viewpoint on “The O&C Trust, Conservation, and Jobs Act.” If enacted, DeFazio’s bill would turn over 1.5 million acres of Western Oregon BLM lands — lands that belong to all Americans — to a “timber trust.”
More... - Bagby privatized and Nestle approved
Bark Alert Email March 2012
More... - Groups oppose plan by national forest: California company will manage 28 sites on Mt. Hood National Forest
Bagby Hot Springs and 27 other recreation sites in the Mt. Hood National Forest will switch management this spring.
More... - Oregonian: Private company will manage Bagby Hot Springs in the Mount Hood National Forest
Soaking at Bagby is free now, except for a $5 daily forest pass required to park at the trailhead. Eric Mart, president of California Land Management in Palo Alto, said a fee is likely. "We can't operate it without revenue," he said.
More... - Bark Press Release: Forest Service approves privatization of Bagby Hot Springs, 27 other Mt. Hood recreation sites
Bark, the local environmental group dedicated to protecting and restoring Mt. Hood National Forest, plans to appeal the decision.
More... - Bark Video: Monitoring Snags at the Wildcat Timber Sale
Check out the video from our November Bark-About where volunteer Paula Hood lead an interactive hike where the public surveyed how many snags, or standing dead trees, remained after logging.
More... - Bark Protects Threatened Salmon from Illegal Logging on Public Lands
Bark press release
More... - Oregonian Guest Opinion: Keep the tap closed on Nestle
For nearly three years, environmental and consumer advocates have been fighting to protect the Columbia River Gorge from exploitation by the multinational water bottler Nestlé.
More... - Bark is hiring and one million acres of forest threatened
Bark Alert Email February 2012
More... - Two job openings at Bark
Grassroots Organizer and Development Assistant positions available.
More... - Environmental groups propose plan to replace federal forest payments to Oregon counties
A coalition of environmental groups, hoping to head off congressional action they believe would increase unsustainable logging, propose a three-prong approach for replacing federal forest payments to hard-hit Oregon counties.
More... - The Register-Guard Guest Viewpoint: Clear-cutting public lands not the answer
From what we can tell, decades of work to protect clean water and keep a host of native Northwest species from blinking off the map could be undone.
More... - The Register Guard: State looks at logging rules protecting salmon streams
Warmer water in streams through private timberlands could harm fish, a study finds
More... - Don't let the BLM close public hiking trails
Bark Alert Email January 2012
More... - Register-Guard Guest Viewpoint: The timber racket
A culture of corruption and political payoffs harms the land and ourselves
More... - Fuel reduction likely to increase carbon emissions
Forest thinning to help prevent or reduce severe wildfire will release more carbon to the atmosphere than any amount saved by successful fire prevention, a new study concludes.
More... - Bark's winter campaign
The best email of the year
More... - Bark launches our winter campaign
Nestle's tipping point is near
More... - City may win Bull Run variance from state
Oregon Health Authority says Portland’s drinking water source not at risk
More... - Nestle report and defending waterways
Email Bark Alert November 2011
More... - 2011 Mt. Hood Solutions Summit Report-Back
Whether you participated in the 2011 Mt. Hood Solutions Summit or weren't able to attend, this is a great resource for details and materials from the conference.
More... - Video footage of the Bark Mural celebration
A great short piece produced by Bark volunteer videographer Corrinne Theodoru
More... - Cascadia Wild's wolverine trackers get closer to nature near Mount Hood
"It's the ultimate dream to get some definite proof of a wolverine on Mount Hood," the 18-year-old said.
More... - Using Oregon's forests for bioenergy production has a down side: increased carbon emissions
In a four-year study OSU describes as the largest and most comprehensive to date, researchers say managing the forests for biofuel production will increase carbon dioxide emissions from the forests by at least 14 percent.
More... - Mural on SE Powell celebrates Mt. Hood natural areas
Known as “the BARK mural”, the mural depicts images showing the beauty and fragility of the Mt. Hood National Forest.
More... - Research suggests Pacific Nortwest forests might not be as heathy as they look
The researchers particularly question logging in old-growth forests and salvage logging after fires or storms.
More... - Mt. Hood Solutions Summit and Mushroom Hike
Email Bark Alert October 2011
More... - Mt. Hood Solutions Summit Speaker Bios
Find out more about the presenters at the 2011 Mt. Hood Solutions Summit.
More... - Mt. Hood fire looms near Bull Run Reservoir
The Dollar Lake fire in the Mount Hood National Forest stood at 4,500 acres early Tuesday morning, hovering within a few miles of the Bull Run Reservoir and closing more roads and campgrounds in the area, according to the Northwest Interagency Coordination Center.
More... - Nestle action and a win for Portland's drinking water
Email Bark Alert September 2011
More... - Hidden earthquake faults revealed at Mt. Hood, Oregon
On the northern flank of Mount Hood, a scar in the earth's crust stretches for several miles beneath the fir trees that hide it from airborne observers.
More... - High winds feed new wildfire on Mt. Hood
A new wildfire in the Mt. Hood wilderness has grown to at least 1,500 acres, fueled by high winds fanning the flames.
More... - Fire danger brings restrictions to Mt. Hood National Forest
Wood cutting and logging restrictions are in effect in parts of the Mt. Hood National Forest due to increased fire danger.
More... - Oregonian Op Ed: Oregon and Washington log exports cost thousands of jobs
In the year 2010, in spite of the nearly 20 percent increase in the timber harvest, direct employment in the forest products industry declined by 2,100 jobs in Oregon and 2,200 in Washington.
More... - Carbon-gobbling trees in Northwest forests change the forest equation, a new study finds
Trees will mop up carbon, if left alone.
More... - Salmon habitat and water quality: Every Oregonian has a stake in stream protection
The Oregonian's editorial "Timber country and you" places the interest of the timber industry above the public's interest in clean water, wild salmon and healthy watersheds.
More... - FORESTS: Carbon-absorption rates increase in Pacific Northwest -- study
While the Northwest Forest Plan sought to reduce old-growth logging and protect endangered species in Washington, Oregon and California, researchers say the 1993 plan has resulted in an another unforeseen benefit -- turning the region's forests from a carbon source to a carbon sink.
More... - Oregonian Editorial
Timber Country and You
More... - Victory! Sixty Northwest creatures will get considered for Endangered Species Act protection
Sixty Northwest species, including the Oregon spotted frog, the Seattle area's Lake Sammamish kokanee and 32 types of slugs and snails, will be considered for federal endangered species protection under an agreement filed with a judge this week.
More... - Volunteers Clean up Wildcat Mountain
In the span of three short hours, volunteers collected and removed more than 6,000 pounds of trash from Wildcat Mountain in Mt. Hood National Forest.
More... - Bull Trout are coming back to the Clack
50 years after being extirpated from the Clackamas River, threatened bull trout are being reintroduced to the Clackamas watershed on June 30.
More... - Portland should brace for climate refugees
The expected influx of climate refuges is one of the most compelling arguments for those of us who live adjacent to Mt. Hood National Forest to work now to retain of healthy ecosystems and restore degraded ecosystems so they can become more climate resilient.
More... - Nestle water grab and crumbling roads in Mt. Hood
Email Bark Alert June 2011
More... - Agency Must Curtail ‘Timber-itch'
The Forest Service, the division of the Department of Agriculture that once responded mostly to the timber industry now needs to measure its mission not in harvesting trees, but in recreation visits, sheltered wildlife and protected water resources.
More... - Video: Save Portland's Bull Run drinking water
The 15-minute video captures Portlanders debating with Commissioner Randy Leonard in anticipation of the May 18th City Council meeting on water rates.
More... - Threats to Oregon's drinking water and Day of Action to protect Mt. Hood
Email Bark Alert May 2011
More... - Palomar victory hike and Timberline controversy
Email Bark Alert April 2011
More... - Urgent Palomar LNG Pipeline action and a visit to Annie's Cabin
Email Bark Alert March 2011
More... - Obama's new forest rules: Read the fine print
The Oregonian Opinion by guest columnists Dominick DellaSala and Randi Spivak
More... - Groundtruthing 101
"What is groundtruthing?" A video clip from Bark Forest Watch Coordinator, Gradey Proctor
More... - Make Bagby your valentine and celebrate 2,300 acres protected!
Email Bark Alert February 2011
More... - Happy New Year from Bark
If the rain has you down, try escaping to the forest with this compilation video of 2010 Bark hikes
More... - 365 reasons to celebrate 2010
Bark had an amazing year. As we reflect on all the hard work, we thought we'd make a list...
More... - New data highlights role of forests in fight against climate change
U.S. forests offset roughly 11 percent of industrial greenhouse gas emissions annually
More... - Bark signs pledge to resist racism in the environmental movement
White nationalist groups have been co-opting the environmental movement to advocate for anti-immigration agendas and Bark commits to finding solutions that do not include racism and bigotry
More... - Job opening -- applications due Oct. 15
Bark and Pacific Rivers Council have partnered to hire a full-time Watershed and Landscape Restoration Policy Coordinator
More... - Bark unveils new vision
What is Bark all about? Take a look at our ambitious 20-year vision created through a collaboration of volunteers, board members, and staff
More... - Study: Beetle Kills May Not Elevate Fire Hazard
BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) ― Swaths of forests killed by mountain pine beetles may not be as prone to massive fires as many previously assumed, a conclusion drawn by researchers from the University of Wisconsin and Yellowstone National Park.
More... - Video: Last Days to Comment on Nestle Bottling Plant Proposal
Event recently held in Downtown Portland Oregon to inform people about the Oregon State Water Department public comment period regarding Nestle's attempt to bottle spring water in the Columbia Gorge, near Cascade Locks.
More... - Jazz Timber Sale Approved by Forest Service
The Forest Service issued its final decision on the Jazz Timber Sale on September 7th, 2012, stating the 2,000 acre logging project would have “No Significant Impact.”
More... - Bark announces Summer 2010 Campaign
Energy transmission poses increasing threats to Mt. Hood National Forest
More... - Video: 2009 Bark Hike to the Gnarl Ridge Fire
Bark Field Trip to the Tilly Jane historic trail on the east side of Mt. Hood, to view the damage and recovery from the 2008 Gnarl Ridge Fire.
More... - Thank you for supporting our 2010 Summer Campaign
from Alex P Brown and the Bark family
More... - Bark is moving!
Starting Tuesday, July 6, Bark will be at a new location
More... - Proposed PGE transmission line raises questions
PGE opens a public comment period for the proposed Cascade Crossing project
More... - Video: Update On Oregon LNG Resistance
Public Access program, "A Growing Concern," featuring two guests discussing recent victories and actions concerning the increasing resistance to LNG terminals and pipe lines proposed for Oregon.
More... - Video: Upcoming Opportunities to Resist LNG
Video from a recent Bark-About hike to the proposed Palomar Pipeline crossing of the Wild and Scenic Clackamas River.
More... - Campaign to Prevent Proposed Nestle Water Bottling Facility in Cascade Locks
On Monday, March 29, 2010, Keep Nestle Out of the Gorge, a coalition of environmental and social justice organizations led by the consumer advocacy group Food & Water Watch, launched a coordinated campaign to prevent Nestle Waters North America from opening a water bottling facility in Cascade Locks.
More... - Government report rebukes claims of process-heavy forest management
Between 2006-2008, only 2% of Forest Service fuels reduction logging proposals ended in court. Bush-era projects designed to reduce public oversight were more likely to be challenged.
More... - Pacific Northwest forests act as massive carbon banks
LA Times Greenspace, Environmental news from California and beyond
More... - Report: Battling forest beetles may be counter-productive
Thinning backcountry unlikely to reduce fire risk or lessen beetle outbreaks,largely fueled by drought and higher temperatures
More... - OSU researcher: Fires in forest valuable
With a changing climate there's a good chance that forest fires in the Pacific Northwest will become larger and more frequent - and according to one expert speaking today at a professional conference, that's just fine.
More... - High stakes: LNG and the Legislature
Oregonian Op-Ed by Nick Engelfried slams the legislature's "fast-track" bill that would result in an abbreviated permit process for the Palomar Pipeline.
More... - January Bark hike video
Two dozen people participated in the January Bark About to the proposed Nestle water bottling plant site and its spring source in the scenic Columbia River Gorge.
More... - Obama proclaims 40th anniversary of NEPA
Despite Bush administration attacks, the National Environmental Policy Act continues to ensure transparent environmental decisions and government accountability.
More... - Taming Oregon's Backlog of Aging Forest Roads
Oregon contains 69,000 miles of National Forest roads. This vast network of roads harms our water supply and salmon, but now the Forest Service has the funding to do something about these roads. You can also listen to this story at www.publicnewsservice.org/index.php?/content/article/11947-1 For more information about a current project proposing to decommission 223 miles of roads in Mt. Hood National Forest, visit http://bark-out.org/topic.php?id=collawash
More... - Judge upholds surveys for species before logging
The ruling Thursday from U.S. District Court in Seattle effectively strikes down the last surviving piece of the Bush administration's strategy to boost logging in spotted owl territory.
More... - Bills would push more national forest thinning
The bills drew support from Tom Partin, president of the American Forest Resource Council, a timber industry group.
More... - Nestle Bottling Plant Proposed for Columbia Gorge
Bottling a hundred million gallons annually, Nestle is seeking to turn a profit on our most valuable public resource.
More... - CLIMATE: Forest Service 'dramatically reshaping' plans in response to warming
Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell has directed the agency's regions and research stations to jointly produce draft "landscape conservation action plans" by March 1 to guide its day-to-day response to climate change.
More... - Tattooing an Icon
Icon Tattoo raises big money for Bark
More... - November Bark Mushroom Field Trip
Field trip to identify and collect edible mushrooms. This is the full length monthly "Bark for Mt. Hood" program produced for Public Access television here in Portland Oregon.
More... - This Bark has a Bite
Mountain Times Article about Bark's recent presentation on the Mt. Hood OHV Plan with the Rhododendron Community Planning Organization
More... - Off-road vehicles, wilderness don't mix on Mount Hood
Oregonian Guest Column by Kate McCarthy
More... - Fungi in Mt. Hood National Forest!
Every October Bark leads a very popular field trip to educate people about fungi in general and mushrooms in particular. Included in this report is a 5 minute video from that hike.
More... - Bark Celebrates Ten Years!
Thanks to all who made our tenth anniversary celebration such a great success
More... - Mt. Hood art auction- Auction is now closed
The sale of over 40 Mt. Hood sketches by prominent Portlanders like Ursula LeGuin, Commissioner Randy Leonard, and many more raised over $10,000 for Bark!
More... - Court Strikes Down 2005 Change to Forest Roadless Rule
Today a federal court upheld protections for roadless forests.
More... - Bush-era Northwest logging plan withdrawn
Western Oregon Plan Revision (WOPR) was withdrawn by officials today. The plan would have increased old-growth logging on federal lands throughout Oregon, Washington, and northern California.
More... - Quiet Recreation Jeopardized by the Mt. Hood Off-Road Plan
With an off-road plan that leaves quiet recreation, clean water, and wildlife in the dust, a group of advocates begin work on a citizen's plan for Mt. Hood National Forest.
More... - Oregon's national forests and those in other states will see limits to where ATVs can ride
Off-highway vehicle planning in Oregon's national forests raise concerns about the expansive road system and the ability of land managers to effectively control motorized recreation.
More... - Studies foresee dilemma over forest carbon storage
Scientists conclude in two government-funded studies that forests in the Pacific Northwest have a huge potential to store more carbon to combat global warming, but not if they are heavily thinned to prevent wildfire.
More... - Career forester named US Forest Service chief
Montana forester Tom Tidwell is the new head of the U.S. Forest Service.
More... - Making Noise About “Quiet Recreation” In National Forests
In the ongoing dispute between OHV riders and quiet users of national forests, a new report by an Oregon State University professor concludes"quiet recreation" plays a bigger role than OHV use in supporting local economies.
More... - Rep. Schrader introduces Wild and Scenic designation for the Molalla River
Rep. Schrader introduced a measure to designate segments of the Molalla River as part of the National Wild and Scenic River System.
More... - Obama puts halt on logging in roadless areas
Beginning to implement a campaign promise, the Obama administration puts a one-year moratorium on development in roadless areas
More... - Notice Anything Different?
Bark's new website is launched!
More... - Dept. of Agriculture Names Head of Forest Service
Agriculuture Secretary Vilsack Names Jay Jensen as Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment
More... - Mt. Hood Wilderness Bill PASSES!
Ten years in the making, the historic legislation now goes to President Obama’s desk
More... - Congress Passes $50 Million for Watershed Restoration
The Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 includes spending to improve watershed health in national forests.
More... - House Rejects Wilderness Bill
The House was unable to get a 2/3 vote on The Public Lands Omnibus Bill that would have added more than 2 million acres of wilderness
More... - New Name Unveiled for Bark’s Plan for Mt. Hood National Forest
In our March Bark-Alert, we asked you to help us chose the name for our plan to prioritize clean drinking water, wildlife habitat and diversity, and quiet recreation in Mt. Hood National Forest. Check out the results!
More... - Help create Bark's 10th Anniversary art exhibit
How connected are you? Do you know any prominent Portlanders? Conservation-minded celebrities?
More... - January 2009 Bark Program about LNG
The Bark for Mt Hood Public Access program for January 2009 features the January Hike to the LNG Palomar Pipe Line Clackamas River crossing site; speakers from the January Clean Energy Rally in Salem; and a Power Point presentation by Dan Serres on LNG
More... - State asks court to toss Bradwood site's approval
The state of Oregon asked the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday to overturn federal regulators' approval of the Bradwood Landing liquefied natural gas terminal.
More... - BLM Issues Decision on WOPR
The BLM finalized a plan that would nearly triple the timber harvest on 2.6 million acres of land in western Oregon, despite objections from environmental groups and Gov. Kulongoski
More... - Forest initiative puts Mt. Hood on radar
Decaying Forest Service logging roads are marked for restoration in an initiative attached to the Economic Stimulus Package currently being planned by Congress and President-elect Obama’s transition team.
More... - Obama Names Picks for Agriculture and Interior
Senator Ken Salazar of Colorado is picked to lead the Interior Department and former governor of Iowa, Tom Vilsack, will lead the Department of Agriculture
More... - National Coalition Announces Push to Create a Forest Watershed Restoration Corps
Borrowing a page from history and one of the most popular New Deal programs, The Legacy Roads Restoration Initiative today proposed a program to create a $500 million Forest Watershed Restoration Corps within the National Forest Service.
More... - In our view Dec. 9: Protecting Pinchot
Fragile forest does not need more off-road vehicle trails.
More... - Obama's First One Hundred Days
Environmental groups announce their Hope for President-Elect Obama's first hundred days in office
More... - National Forest visitors down, no one knows why
Recreation in national forests has declined; land managers attribute it to outside circumstances, critics claim hiking and camping fees are the real deterrents.
More... - Oklahoma senator once again holds up Mount Hood legislation
An Oklahoma senator who makes frequent light of what he calls examples of Oregon "pork" spending once again blocked new Mount Hood wilderness legislation Friday, despite wide support in the rest of the Senate.
More... - Bark's Amy Harwood wins Skidmore Prize
Amy and three other local non-profit heroes have been chosen from dozens of nominations to receive this year’s Skidmore Prize from the Willamette Week.
More... - Bark's analysis of election and its impact on Mt. Hood National F orest
Bark assesses how five races: President-elect Barack Obama, Senator-elect Jeff Merkley, Congressman-elect Kurt Schrader, Oregon treasurer-elect Ben Westlund, and Oregon Secretary of State-elect Kate Brown, could change the future of Mt. Hood and America's
More... - The secret's out: Tons of water in Oregon's Cascades
The most valuable resource in the national forests atop the Oregon Cascades may not be the timber and recreation spots they're known for, but something else that's largely invisible: water.
More... - Forest Certification Considered for National Forests
The Forest Service has opened a public comment period for consideration of sustainable logging certification for our national forests -- good incentive or greenwashing?
More... - Groups gather to discuss Mount Hood recreation and ecology
Bark will host the Mt. Hood Solutions Summit to bring together local stakeholders to discuss public lands trends and quiet recreation.
More... - Oregon's Forest Resources
The story behind the green forest talk
More... - Mt. Hood National Forest Releases Update on OHV Plan
After almost a year since the scoping period began for the Mt. Hood National Forest OHV Plan, the Forest Service released an update on the current status of the project.
More... - Removing roads key to keeping Portland's water source clean
City of Portland's water supply secured through Congressional appropriations for road decommissioning in sensitive watersheds.
More... - Forest Service Wants To Increase Camping Fees
If you like to camp out in the Columbia River Gorge, you might want to do it once more this summer. Because next year, the fees in certain campgrounds may be significantly higher.
More... - Firefighting tactics may be overkill
Some say fighting fires in remote areas puts crews in unnecessary danger
More... - Off-Road Rage' Climbs as Trails Get More Crowded
As more and more Americans light out for backcountry trails, officials are seeing a parallel rise in episodes of "off-road rage."
More... - Update: Mt. Hood Travel Plan
Much has happened with roads and off-road vehicles on Mt. Hood since Bark's 2007 Roadtruthing effort
More... - New report: Greatest value of forests is sustainable water supply
The forests of the future may need to be managed as much for a sustainable supply of clean water as any other goal, researchers say in a new federal report
More... - Hike the Pipe Week End
Members and supporters of the Forest Advocacy organization Bark (www.bark-out.org) recently hiked the 40 miles of the proposed Palomar pipe line, as it goes through 40 miles of the Mt. Hood National Forest.
More... - Bark Featured in Backpacker Magazine
Backpacker Magazine featured Bark's work to survey roads and advocate for quality recreation in Mt. Hood National Forest.
More... - How Does Wyden's Draft Legislation Impact Mt. Hood
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) unveiled a draft legislative proposal – the “Forest Restoration and Old Growth Protection Act.” See what Bark thinks about it.
More... - Multi-Media Report on Oregon Resistance to the Proposed Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals.
Audio and video files on the subject of the Liquefied Natural Gas terminals proposed for the coast of Oregon.
More... - Off-roaders, environmentalists to square off in Congress
Environmental groups and off-road vehicle advocates plan to square off Thursday in the U.S. Senate on the three-year-old U.S. Forest Service effort to restrict where motorcycles, four-wheelers and other backcountry vehicles can drive on public land.
More... - Press Advisory: Senate Oversight Hearing on Travel Planning and OHVs
Congress is about to hear what people in Mt. Hood National Forest and other western forests have been grappling with every day: Growing numbers of off-road vehicles are changing the face and sound of our national forests, potentially forever.
More... - Department of Energy report says Oregon doesn't need LNG
NorthernStar says it still wants to build a liquefied natural gas terminal near Astoria, and Gov. Kulongoski asks federal regulators to redo their study
More... - $1 billion timber slush fund or fair trade deal?
Lawsuit, U.S. senators want details on Bush administration deal
More... - Bark discusses stumps in the Oregonian
Representatives from Bark, Weyerhaeuser, and others speak about what a tree stump means to them...
More... - Proposed Liquefied Natural Gas Pipe Line to Cross Clackamas River
Video from a recent Oregon State Capital rally telling politicians that the people of Oregon say NO to Liquefied Natural Gas.
More... - Rahall Reacts to Forest Service’s Final 2008 Planning Rule
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) released the following statement today...
More... - Forest Service tries again with revision of forest planning rule
The U.S. Forest Service on Wednesday adopted a new version of the basic planning rules
More... - Report Highlights Importance of Protecting Existing Forests:
Analysis Shows American Forests Contain Enormous Carbon Reserves, But Available Measuring Tools Reflect Gaps in Underlying Data
More... - Oregon's Elected Leaders Step Up The Fight Against LNG
Senator Wyden introduces legislation to protect state's rights against feds for LNG terminal sites
More... - Rep. DeFazio Lambasts BLM for Sitting on Latest Scientific Review of WOPR
Scientific Team Fails To Support Findings In WOPR
More... - A rough road to repair
The deterioration of decades-old roads on national forests is causing big problems for aquatic ecosystems across the West, especially in the Pacific Northwest, which has an estimated $1.3 billion backlog of roadwork on its tens of thousands of miles of de
More... - Forest Service May Move to Interior
Some see agency as out of place under the US Dept. of Agriculture
More... - Recreation Fees Rising in Wake of Fires’ Costs
Reeling from the high cost of fighting wildfires, federal land agencies have been imposing new fees and increasing existing ones at recreation sites across the West in an effort to raise tens of millions of dollars.
More... - The Oregonian - Editorial
A deal that should have been wrapped up still undone Aide says Oklahoma senator cares more about "mountain of debt" than Mount Hood
More... - Mount Hood wilderness bill stalls; Oregon senators fume
Surprise objection - Republican Sen. Tom Coburn blocks the expansion
More... - News Release: USFS Funds road work in Mt. Hood National Forest
Oregon & Washington national forests receive road and trail funds but much more needed for cleaner water and better recreation access
More... - Old growth forests reducing climate change effects
The “Old Forests, New Management” conference in Tasmania has heard from imminent scientists that there is no justification for logging of old growth forests, and that re-growth forest logging could soon lose its social license under future carbon trading
More... - Major Landslide in Willamette National Forest Caused by 1992 Clearcut
Amtrak's train tracks will be out for weeks, causing major delays for the Pacific coast routes
More... - A Region's Vitality, Melting Away
Hood River farmers thought the water flowing from shrinking Mt. Hood glaciers was essential to their prized fruit crops; new OSU research shows just how essential
More... - Roads to restoration
Cooperative effort targets road removal in the San Juans in Colorado
More... - Guest Opinion: Better forest management needed now
Mount Hood National Forest the perfect place to start
More... - Environmentalists out on a limb
For a seat at the negotiating table, they are jeopardizing their true role.
More... - Top regional Forest Service official to retire
The U.S. Forest Service's top official in the Pacific Northwest announced her retirement on Tuesday, effective at the end of March.
More... - Senator Wyden writing bill to thin forests
Sen. Ron Wyden is working on legislation to overcome the gridlock in national forest logging projects designed to reduce the growing threat of wildfire.
More... - Surge in Off-Roading Stirs Dust and Debate in West
DURANGO, Colo. — In the San Juan National Forest here, an iron rod gate is the last barrier to the Weminuche Wilderness, a mountain redoubt above 10,000 feet where wheels are not allowed. But the gate has been knocked down repeatedly, shot at and generall
More... - Past OSU logging a setup for slide
The mudslide on Highway 30 this week was caused by logging on lands owned by Oregon State University, one of the leading forestry schools in the country
More... - Mudslide photo spurs look at logging practices
Major landslides in Washington force Weyerhaeuser to assess the risks of logging on slopes
More... - Road 63 Blowout on Mt. Hood
The road to the Bull of the Woods Wilderness is eroding into the Collawash River
More... - Off-road violations out of control, say federal rangers
Reckless off-road vehicle abuse of public lands is spinning out of control, say federal law enforcement rangers in a first-ever survey released today by Rangers for Responsible Recreation.
More... - Skyrocketing use of off-highway vehicles has officials scrambling to protect public land from overuse
The number of dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles has nearly tripled across the country since 1993, a phenomenon critics and land managers said comes at increasing cost to a vulnerable landscape.
More... - Tension hangs over corridors
Eco-groups fret over fast-tracking pathways on public lands for power lines and pipelines.
More... - Oregonians Advocate for a Comprehensive Mt. Hood Travel Plan
The first comment deadline is over, but support for a comprehensive travel management plan on Mt. Hood is continuing to grow.
More... - Fire costs will again thin other budgets
U.S. Forest Service to pull funds from recreation, forest health
More... - USFS can't cut its way out of wildfire risk
Short of clearing all trees from the landscape, timber harvests will not stop fires nor will such harvests avert the causes or impacts of climate change.
More... - Rethinking camping
A Forest Service plan could dramatically change Mount Hood's offerings
More... - Bark Successfully Puts Pressure on Forest Service During Travel Planning Open House
The Forest Service recently held two travel planning “open houses” to unveil its proposal for six new off-road vehicle playgrounds.
More... - Top forestry official faces contempt hearing
A federal judge in Montana has ordered the Bush administration's top forestry official to explain why he should not be held in contempt of court for the U.S. Forest Service's failure to analyze the environmental impacts of dropping fish-killing fire retar
More... - Oregonians speak out about Mt. Hood
A recent collection of letters to the Oregonian about clearcutting Mt. Hood and increasing logging funding.
More... - Forest Service unveils new plans for National Forests
The Bush administration will attempt tomorrow to revive its highly touted national planning rule that governs how management plans are developed for 193 million acres of national forest.
More... - BLM proposes major upswing in logging
Western Oregon - The agency seeks to cut seven times as many older trees and says it would lift cash-strapped counties
More... - Cash infusion accelerates NW logging
National forests - The Bush administration action pushes cutting to a high not seen in years
More... - Study: More kids die on ATVs than bikes
Children under the age of 16 are seven times more likely to ride bicycles than all-terrain vehicles, yet ATVs cause more deaths among youngsters than their peddling counterparts, according to a new study.
More... - Old growth species mandate lifted from Northwest Forest Plan
Acting on an agreement with the timber industry, the Bush administration has decided to quit looking for little-known snails, lichens and other sensitive species before selling timber in Northwest national forests, setting up another round of litigation o
More... - Forest Service timber sale tracking inadequate
Field managers at national forests are planning and monitoring timber sales in the dark because the Forest Service doesn't maintain adequate records, the Government Accountability Office says in a new report.
More... - So much for saving the spotted owl
Two decades after the wrenching drive to save an obscure bird divided Oregonians, reshaped the economy and tore apart the political landscape, the northern spotted owl is disappearing anyway.
More... - The Columbian Editorial- In our view: Closing Roads
Bush, owl, activists are among factors in cutbacks, which aren’t all bad
More... - Oregonian: Mt. Hood Forest draws lines around off-roaders
Wilderness damage - Rangers say they haven't had big problems so far but want to head off impacts of growing use
More... - State says feds should step up to the plate and fix Forest Service roads
Nearly 2,170 miles of primitive roads meander through the Olympic National Forest, but poor maintenance and inadequate funding have left nearly half of those roads one big storm away from a washout.
More... - Funding to repair Forest Service roads difficult to come by
Historic logging peaks has left a legacy of road maintenance and a question of how to pay for it.
More... - Oregonian Part IV: Riders throttle safety legislation
ATV enthusiasts and dealers make themselves heard in Salem, speaking up for a training bill but shouting down other proposals
More... - Oregonian Part III: ATV labels read: Rider beware
Damages become harder to recover in court as safety warnings intended for consumers end up shielding manufacturers instead
More... - Oregonian Part II: A loss they never saw coming
An Oregon couple considered ATVs safe for their young girls until an accident shattered that perception and so much more
More... - Oregonian Part I: Deceptively dangerous: Why ATVs keep killing
As regulators and companies look the other way, lax safety rules cost more lives
More... - Oregonian Editorial: Another trek up Mount Hood
This time, Oregon's entire congressional delegation should support a single plan to expand wilderness
More... - Senate questions Forest Service funding increases for fire suppression, logging, and roadbuilding
Bush administration officials are scheduled to pay a visit to the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee this week to defend the $4.127 billion proposed fiscal 2008 budget for the Forest Service.
More... - Long-term county payments deal left out of war spending bill
A $5 billion deal that would have provided long-term payments to timber counties and states was left on the cutting room floor as House and Senate appropriators finished the conference report for the fiscal 2007 war supplemental yesterday.
More... - Environmental rulings lean against Bush?
Administration unduanted by what conservationists see as rebuke of its policies
More... - New study sheds light on long-term effects of logging after wildfire
Are severe reburns likely with or without logging? A new study on the effects of timber harvest following wildfire shows that the potential for a recently burned forest to reburn can be high with or without logging.
More... - Judge rejects Bush admin bid to rewrite fish protections in NW Forest Plan
A federal judge has rejected a Bush administration rule that would have made it easier to cut trees under the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan by allowing short-term negative impacts on salmon streams.
More... - Study: Reforestation Rich After Fires
Scientists looking at the aftermath of wildfires in the forests of southwestern Oregon and Northern California found that after five to ten years even the most severely burned areas had sprouted plentiful seedlings without any help from man.
More... - Judge: Administration suppressed scientists' views on forest plan
The Bush administration illegally suppressed and misrepresented the views of dissenting scientists when it eased logging restrictions under the Northwest Forest Plan, a federal judge has ruled.
More... - Federal judge tosses out new rules governing national forests
A federal judge tossed out Bush administration rules Friday that gave national forest managers more discretion to approve logging and other commercial projects without lengthy environmental reviews.
More... - Judge Suspends Administration Rules For Managing Forests
A federal district judge ruled yesterday that the Bush administration illegally rewrote the rules for managing 192 million acres of federally owned forests and grasslands in 2005 and must consider the environmental impact of its plan before offering anoth
More... - Ruling May Bring An End To Old-Growth Logging On Mt. Hood
A federal judge signed an order this week that environmentalists say effectively ends "old growth logging" on Mount Hood. By Rob Manning, OPB NEWS
More... - Judge blocks timber sale in Mount Hood forest
The ruling could mean the end of old-growth logging in the forest Thursday, March 08, 2007 MICHAEL MILSTEIN, THE OREGONIAN
More... - Blumenauer expects timber payments will be less
AP Newsmaker 2/21/2007, 4:38 p.m. PT By BRAD CAIN The Associated Press
More... - Lawmakers reintroduce Mt. Hood wilderness bill
Forest - Sens. Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith hope a new Congress will get different results Friday, February 16, 2007 PETER SLEETH THE OREGONIAN
More... - Senators try new master plan for Mount Hood
By RAELYNN RICARTE News staff writer HR NEWS February 17, 2007
More... - Pombo Finds a New Home
San Francisco Chronicle Politics Blog
More... - Dying on the fire lines
The Associated Press By JEFF BARNARD Associated Press writer Wednesday, February 21, 2007
More... - Bush again proposes selling national forest land
And for the second year, Western lawmakers and environmentalists blasted the plan By MATTHEW DALY Associated Press Writer February 6, 2007
More... - Experts see hope for timber industry
Oregon still is the nation's largest lumber producer The Associated Press February 4, 2007
More... - Westerners take pre-emptive strike at land-sales-for-schools concept
E&E Daily January 31, 2007 Dan Berman, E&E Daily senior reporter
More... - Senate Panel Examines Firefighting Costs
More... - Bitterroot recreation sites up for review
By PERRY BACKUS of the Missoulian
More... - Bark Op-Ed in the Oregonian
More... - Green Vs. 'Green'
Mount Hood Forest watchdogs worry that a federal study could lead to more logging. Willamette Week, IAN DEMSKY, December 13th, 2006. www.wweek.com/editorial/3305/8327/
More... - Forest Service: no more environmental analysis of forest plans
By JEFF BARNARD AP Environmental Writer December 12, 2006 Associated Press Newswires
More... - Old-Growth Forests 'Are Key Carbon Sinks'
SciDev.Net (London) December 1, 2006 HAWK JIA Beijing
More... - Salvage Logging Bill Dead For Year
Two GOP senators pledge to revive logging bill in '07 Forests - Time runs out on a proposal backed by Gordon Smith of Oregon and Idaho's Mike Crapo THE OREGONIAN Wednesday, December 06, 2006 MATTHEW DALY
More... - Departing Congress may ditch Hood bill
Land trade provision in current Mt. Hood protection bill may cause delay of vote until next session of congress.
More... - Studies Find Danger to Forests in Thinning Without Burning
Thinning forests without also burning accumulated brush and deadwood may increase forest fire damage rather than reduce it, researchers at the Forest Service reported in two recent studies.
More... - Pombo's ambitious agenda didn't yield much in the end
Controversial career of powerful California congressman Richard Pombo, sponsor of so-called "Healthy Forests Initiative," comes to a close.
More... - Bark's 2006 Post Election Review
Your guide to key election results that impact the future of our forests
More... - Panel Suggests Breaking OSU's Ties to Timber Industry
Report faults OSU forestry dean, urges reforms Research - A panel cites poor judgment and urges a need for distance from timber interests
More... - New Wilderness for Mt. Hood: Bark analyzes new bill
Will new legislation introduced by Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and Greg Walden solve problems or create more?
More... - Oregonian Opinion: The OSU Forestry Controversy
At last week's oversight hearing on forest science in Medford, Daniel Donato, a graduate student at Oregon State University's School of Forestry, was taught a harsh lesson in political science...
More... - Research rattles forestry school
Timber - A graduate student's paper goes against the Oregon State college's beliefs on salvage logging and threatens funding
More... - Judge finds Bush anti-wildlife rule illegal
By GENE JOHNSON Associated Press Writer
More... - Bark Defends Mt. Hood in Hood River News
New year could end decades of land disputes By RAELYNN RICARTE News staff writer Hood River News January 4, 2006
More... - Region's lumber production expected to top out this year
The region's lumber mills are on pace to set a 15-year production record this year, but a slowing national housing market will tamp down output next year, says a report Thursday by the Western Wood Products Association.
More... - Winter Solstice Volunteer of the Season - Paula Hood
Volunteers are essential to the work we do at Bark. It is largely because of their efforts that Bark is so successful. Volunteer of the Season acknowledgement is one way we say Thanks!
More... - Xerces Society Study on Logging to Control "Pests"
Learn more about forest insect "pests"! The Xerces Society has just released a report discussing the importance of native bugs to the forest ecosystem.
More... - The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): A Precious Process
NEPA is a procedural Act, that requires a particular process, not outcome. NEPA requires federal agencies to assess the impact that their actions will have on the environment and is a bedrock environemtal law used to hold the government accountable.
More... - As They Decay, Logs Tell A Story
"A Douglas fir, when it dies, hosts thousands of species," Harmon said.
More... - Northern Spotted Owl Factsheet
Findings of a September 2004 report delivered to US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the Northern Spotted Owl
General Info
Updated 12/31/69